Boundary Stakeout and Perimeter / ALTA Surveys

Boundary Stakeout and Perimeter Surveys

Purpose: To find or set a lot’s boundary pins in the field and determine the location of improvements along the perimeter of the lot relative to the boundary line.

Boundary stakeout and perimeter surveys locate existing boundary pins and improvements typically found along the boundary lines, such as walls and fences for nearby lots. This information is evaluated by a licensed surveyor to determine a lot’s boundary location. This determination is used to set the lot’s boundary pins. The boundary determination is also used to evaluate where perimeter improvements lie in relation to the boundary line.

Boundary stakeout and perimeter surveys are often requested by building contractors and for real estate transactions.

ALTA Surveys

Purpose: To describe property boundaries, easements, and other improvements (fences, trails, roads, rights of way, etc.) that might affect property ownership and rights

An American Land Title Association (ALTA) Survey provides a mapping of the property using standards set by ALTA and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM). Elements are basic zoning information, roadways, evidence of utilities, flood information, encroachments, easements, encumbrances, legal property descriptions, cemeteries, evidence of other usage.

ALTA Surveys begin with research, then go to fieldwork, drafting, and revision. 

ALTA surveys tend to be conducted when financing real-estate transactions or property insurance. They are often requested by title insurance companies and mortgage companies. ALTA was established in 1907 as a trade association, and it stands for the title insurance industry.

If you need a Boundary Stakeout and Perimeter Survey or an ALTA Survey conducted, feel free to contact us and we’ll get you started.

Explore the different CM&E Land Surveying Services below

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